Criteria and Courtesy in Effective Business Communication

Managers don’t get salary, they ‘earn’ money. It is my money, I earn for entrepreneur. I share big part of my profit with them because they took bigger risks with investments. This is the new generation mindset for managers that develops ownership towards company. This leads to effective business communication. Save the reader’s time. Write organized, short paragraph and list options/opportunities.  Criteria of effective message are –
  • 100% clarity
  • Short and precise
  • All the reader’s questions are answered
  • The facts and information are accurate
  • Free from sentence level errors
  • Do not waste reader’s time with unnecessary notations.
  • Be optimistic and avoid negative terms.

 Own your work. Anticipate the problem. Read between the lines. Focus the problem you are trying to solve.

Another feature to get success in this regard is to develop warmth and goodwill with audience. This means building relationship with good intentions. So, courtesy in communication is must.

When the debate is about “Formal vs. Informal”, the answer is – Conversational. Write as you speak.

There are lots of magic words to use in messages. Some of the examples are – Please, Help, Support, I am sorry, Thank you, May I, Any time, I’d be happy to, No problem etc. When someone reads my message, they need to feel that they are talking with me. I must avoid colonial language of business.
  •  I must use Active sentence, and stop using passive.
  •  I should avoid abstract. Need to be concrete and specific.
  •  I must not leave anything vague.
  •  Why I write urgent, I have to give the reason


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